Squad Fees

The fees below take effect from 1 November 2023.

Junior Skills Squad

$85.00 per month which is paid in monthly instalments (inclusive of GST)

Junior Development Squad

$85.00 per month which is paid in monthly instalments (inclusive of GST)
10% discount off swimming fees for 3rd or more child swimming per family

Transition Squad

$90.00 per month which is paid in monthly instalments (inclusive of GST)
10% discount off swimming fees for 3rd or more child swimming per family


Junior Age Group Squad

$110.00 per month which is paid in monthly instalments (inclusive of GST)
10% discount off swimming fees for 3rd or more child per family

Target Age Group Squad

$115.00 per month which is paid in monthly instalments (inclusive of GST)
10% discount off swimming fees for 3rd or more child per family

National and Open Squad

$125.00 per month which is paid in monthly instalments (inclusive of GST)

10% discount off swimming fees for 3rd or more child per family

Teen Fitness / Water Polo and Masters Squads

$95.00 per month which is paid in monthly instalments (inclusive of GST)

10% discount off swimming fees for 3rd or more child per family



aywave Aquatic Centre Entry Fee

Please note Baywave Aquatic Centre charge an entry fee to the complex.
This entry fee is additional to the squad fees.

Please enquire with Baywave reception with regards to annual or concession entry passes.


Annual Club Fee

An annual club fee of $57.50 inclusive of GST is charged per swimmer.  

The club fee is discounted by 50% for the 3rd child swimming per family and is waived for the 4th (or more) child swimming per family.


Competitive Swimming Affiliation Fee

Swimming NZ has an annual affiliation fee. For more information on the SNZ affiliation fee, contact mtswimrecorder@gmail.com